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Choose your price plan
Please select your price plan to get a better reading or service experience.
$3 Reader Card
3US$The $3 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$2 Reader Card
2US$The $2 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$4 Reader Card
4US$The $4 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$5 Reader Card
5US$The $5 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$1 Reader Card
1US$The $1 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$6 Reader Card
6US$The $6 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$7 Reader Card
7US$The $7 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$8 Reader Card
8US$The $8 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$9 Reader Card
9US$The $9 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
$10 Reader Card
10US$The $10 reading card is only valid for reading one article or one post.- Only for novels and blogs
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